Month: November 2016

A Tale of Two Tax Videos

A good tax professional is someone you call on when your April 15th filing nears. A great tax professional is someone you call on all year long. In the eyes of Thomson Reuters’ ONESOURCE tax division, these titans of enterprise are known by one name –  Taxologists.

Taxologists are the fiduciaries of corporate finance, revered for their expertise in both tax and technology. They are problem solvers and strategic advisors. They manage complexity and mitigate risk. Where there is conflict between a company’s financial goals and its regulatory obligations, Taxologists are the ones wearing a cape around the office.

In recent years, we’ve worked with Thomson Reuters and ONESOURCE on a pair of video projects for their annual Synergy Tax Conference. For ONESOURCE, the Taxologist is a big part of their brand story. In a world where taxes are a cultural proxy for all that is institutional and outdated, the Taxologist is their brand’s protagonist, challenging people to think differently about the role tax professionals and technology play in a forward-looking enterprise.